i have decided to do a little ‘get to know me’ post as i’ve seen many bloggers do these. i found these questions on a range of different blogs and i just picked a few from each. hope you enjoy :)
1. What is your middle name?
ugh, i hate my middle name but it's my grans first name: Denise
2. What is your natural hair colour?
the darkest brown ever that is impossible to colour -.-
3. Do you have any siblings?
i have two half brothers and 1 half sister, they're all older than me though
4. Do you have any pets?
yes, just the one; i have the cutest rabbit ever named Bugsy
5. What was the last thing you threw in the rubbish/recycling?
A lemonade bottle. Oh I love lemonade in the summer.
6. What’s the top 3 most played songs on your iTunes?
7. What is your favourite quote?
“People alway criticise, don’t let it put you down. Achievement is the best form of revenge” - Tom Parker
8. What chore do you absolutely hate doing?
changing my bed. it takes so much effort and i always get tangled up in my sheets. (lol)
9. What is your favourite form of exercise?
hahahahahahahaa exercise
but probably gym bikes, i know i cant fall off when i want to stop
10. What is your favourite time of day/day of the week/month of the year?
9pm-10pm on a Saturday or Sunday in July
11. What is on your bedside table?
A lamp, house phone, a few nail varnishes, my fan and a half empty glass of lemonade.
12. What is your favourite body part?
My eyes, I love the darkness of them and my eyelashes are really long too.
13. What is your least favourite body part?
ugh, definitely my legs, don't even get me started on them
14. Would you use the power of invisibility for good or evil? Elaborate.
probably a bit of both, to check what people are saying about me about my back and then to sneak into places. i would feel like i was on misfits lol
15. If you could choose to stay a certain age forever, what age would it be?
i would say 16/17. 16 because you have them really love summer holidays because of study leave but then 17 because i could drive then
16. What is the first thing you would do if you won the lottery?
depends on how big we’re talking *insert emoji smirk face* if it was like £20 just buy another lottery ticket but if it was in the millions buy everything I could never afford
depends on how big we’re talking *insert emoji smirk face* if it was like £20 just buy another lottery ticket but if it was in the millions buy everything I could never afford
17. What is your biggest pet peeve?
When people chew chewing gum really loudly ew.
18. If you could know the answer to any question, what would it be?
How the world and life actually started
19. Favourite band?
I’m actually going cheat on this one, but the wanted and bring me the horizon. i know you're thinking what? but yeah the wanted were the first band i ever loved then i got into a different music taste and found bmth and now they're both my faves
20. Recommend your favourite book, movie, or television show in three sentences or less.
Orange is the new black: funny, emotional and just great all over. You will get instantly hooked to it and will want to watch every single episode all at once.
well i hope you got a little eye opener into my life there, if you want to ask me any other questions just give me a tweet :)
well i hope you got a little eye opener into my life there, if you want to ask me any other questions just give me a tweet :)
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